Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Fett

I recently changed the profile picture on the Facebook page for this blog to one of my favourite Star Wars covers and I thought I'd write a little about the comic history of one of Star Wars' favourite bad boys: Boba Fett.

Self-replicating, self-motivating and ruthless, Boba Fett has become a fan favourite since appearance in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Seen on the command deck of Vader's personal super destroyer, the Executor, along with the other "scum" bounty hunters, Fett's character had few lines but all of them awesome. The original voice actor, Jason Wingreen, died on Christmas Day but new fan's might not recognise his voice anyway since his voice was re-dubbed with Temuera Morrison's voice in 2004 to tie in with prequel Boba Fett.

Fett's first official appearance is not entirely agreed upon between comic fans. He appeared in the Marvel Special Edition #2 but since this was more of a magazine than the traditional comic many take the first appearance to be Star Wars 42 on the cover with Bossk and Dengar.

It seems clear that fans take this as the real first appearance since a graded 9.6 Marvel Special is valued around $80 whereas the same grade Star Wars 42 is $300!

Fett's next appearance (and my favourite Fett cover) wasn't until Star Wars 68 in 1983. A graded 9.6 of this bad boy will cost you over $100 although grades this high for this time are hard to come by.

The Fett-man is still as popular as ever among fans. You can play as Slave-1, Fett's heavily customised Firespray spaceship, in the new Star Wars Battlefront. And gamers playing X-Wing miniatures game can use Fett in Imperial or Scum and Villainy squadrons.

The recent Star Wars volume 2 from Marvel had an absurd amount of variants for the first issue, one of which is Fett in the classic Punisher pose!


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