Having been a big, big fan of the Detective Comics main title for the past few months (especially Joe Tomasi's stuff) I was eagerly anticipating the release of the Rebirth Detective Comics. Like Action Comics, Detective has gone back to its original numbering, continuing where 'New 52' interrupted.
This story starts off with a familiar set of eyes, striking fear into his demonic foe but as the story unfolds we find that the eyes are in fact not Batman's. Nor does Batman know who is behind the mask or the citywide surveillance being carried out on a few of Batman's favourite vigilante friends.
Batman begins rounding them up, along with the partnership of Batwoman, in order to train them to survive the coming threat of the new, technologically advanced foe.
As I said in my video this week Tynion IV is heading up the writing on this. It should come as no surprise then that the story looks like an intertwined expansive affair probably much like we saw on his Batman Eternal run. It definitely kicks the series off with a blast (albeit a slightly muffled one), helped along by the wicked penciling of Eddy Barrows (Nightwing, Teen Titans) and Eber Ferreira's ink (just look at Batman's cloak on page 5!).
I enjoyed Batman bringing Clayface into the equation, it adds a slightly different and somewhat eclectic mix to the team
All in all, it looks like a good Bat-title. Definitely different from the Detective Comics I started with and a lot more involved storywise.